Donate to CCDS
Here at CCDS there are all kinds of ways to support your student and our school. If you are interested in volunteering your time, check out the Volunteer page. If you are short on time but excited about helping CCDS grow and achieve our goals, your financial contributions are both welcome and needed!
There are three ways to donate to CCDS
1. Donate money using the link below
Use the PayPal button below to donate to our choral, band or athletic programs, to donate to a specific teacher at CCDS, or to make a donation to our general fund.
*During the PayPal checkout process, there will be a field where you can enter the name of the specific class/field trip you are donating to. This step is toward the end of the payment process - don't miss it!
2. Purchase needed classroom materials through Amazon
Every teacher has a “wish list” for their classroom set up on Amazon. Check out the Staff Directory page, find your classroom or the classroom you want to support and click on the link to help our teachers have everything they need to educate our kids.
3. Participate in Corporate Programs
With these programs and the power of YOU, our school earns cash rewards when you do what you do anyway - SHOP!
AmazonSmile - Shop and earn money! Click here and designate CCDS to receive a percentage of each purchase on AmazonSmile.
Office Depot - If you shop at Office Depot, give them code 70006675 and CCDS will get rewards.